
Beyond Love

What one should look out for in a spouse should go beyond love.

In most successful marriages, you will hear the spouses saying things like ‘I didn’t like (him or her) that much before marriage, it was with time that the love grew.

When it comes to love and marriage, it’s more complicated than what we see. Going into a marriage because you feel you’re in love is not enough, soon, you will also feel the relationship slipping away and out of love.

I agree that love is needed, but it’s never enough to sustain your marriage. There has to be more going on, like trust, respect, and good communication, else, it will all become stale and could even grow toxic.

You can feel it slip away right in your own eyes but you’re rendered helpless. You thought the love was moving strong enough to hold your marriage for the next 100 years.

Do you think love only can sustain this marriage of yours? Or perhaps, your story has started to change and love is no longer a criterion. In just 15 years of marriage, you’ve begun to live like a roommate with the love of your life.

If love only does not sustain a marriage, what else does a marriage need to stay healthy till death? Enroll for this course to find out.

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Jazakumllahu khairan ma'ams, it's a pleasure having you all here ma. I really learnt a lot from this webinar. Thank God I'm still a singlet .I'm glad I didn't miss out on this. Thanks for the advice and enlightenment ma'ams. May Allah continue to perfect all that concerns you. It's sad we have to dissolve this group pls ma'ams, do check on us single babies here. We love you all -
Jazakumulahu khaeran. I really gained a lot from the group. This is the privileg we don't have during our time. Single sisters please read, listen and understand. May Allah ease the journey (marriage) for each and everyone of us. Thanks for the class Kimsheedah .May it way heavily on your scale of good deeds. Aamin Wish to meet you someday and just give you a hug-
I have to talk now... I can't take this anymore!!! I woke up dreaming about the recording! In the dream I was checking my phone every now and then, and when it came I hid in the bathroom to listen to it for decorum sake.Well I missed the class because of network. To think I charged my phone and even made sure I had enough data,then while trying these guests came. I just collect my fate je je! Olohun a bawa Şo recording wa de make it beneficial to us. I am anticipating in joy
I want to say jazakumllahu khayran To everyone that has shared something from the after party To the group.Mehn you all are blessed Allahumah baarik. Currently reading up. And I am like Where was this when I was about to marry Especially that compiled first answer!!! Ah you singles here are very blessed Please for the sake of Allah E ma shi lo
Its hard to say goodbye to this awemazing family that I've come to love. Thanks for organizing the power packed webinar, may almighty Allah bless you and yours Thank you all for the meaningful contributions and for dropping all those tips. May almighty Allah continue to ease all of our affairs. Chai, I'm getting emosh
Omo today's Beyond Love webinar was lit!!! I just dey gush since... I Literally mean sparks Allahuma baarik Coach Kimsheedah and everyone
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